Keeping Mandarin Strong With Education & Parenting

chinese enrichment class singapore

Located in Singapore, the Chengzhu Mandarin Centre was founded in 2012. With a holistic approach, education & parenting work together to bring out the individual potential of each child. The toddler enrichment class in Singapore are based on the Julia Gabriel methodology of teaching. The teaching philosophy is dramatically different than traditional education where students may spend a good portion of their time being passive listeners. Then they receive assignments to take home and complete alone. The Julia Gabriel methodology believes in making learning fun and interactive. Lessons are taught with the use of puppets, song, role playing, drama, music and more.

The Chengzhu Mandarin Centre has taken this philosophy and adapted it to their Chinese enrichment classes and programmes that emphasize the appreciation and knowledge of the Chinese culture and its Mandarin language. Singapore is a very unique island state. On the United Nations Human Development Index the nation ranks eleventh in the world.

Multiculturalism is one of its core principles, as evidenced by the fact that Singapore has four official languages, Mandarin, English, Malay and Tamil. While the Chinese residents appreciate the diversity, Chinese parents want to ensure that future generations can speak Mandarin fluently and have comprehensive knowledge of Chinese culture and traditions. These parents are thrilled to discover the Chengzhu Mandarin Centre.

There are two programs for young children that are adult/parent accompanied sessions. The first programme, Play Nest, is for ages six months to eighteen months. Knowing that language develops in young minds long before they can actually speak, the sessions focus on language stimulation with interactive fun with parents, teachers and the children. The benefits of this early introduction to Mandarin and cognitive learning are seen when these little ones move up to the next level, Play Club, for ages eighteen months to three and a half years.

At the Play Nest level, students begin to learn key words and phrases. Music is used to emphasize the natural rhythm of Mandarin. All the lessons are presented using arts, crafts, music and most importantly, fun. The children know they are having fun. In this nurturing environment, learning happens organically. Parents taking part in the sessions teaches the children as well as the parents. They learn a lighthearted, effective method of communicating with their children.

When these young students go home, the parents are capable of reinforcing the lessons learned at the Centre. The sessions take place twice a week and last for 90 minutes to two hours. In Singapore, all curriculum in the schools is based on English. The programmes at the Centre will enable these students to be truly bilingual and fluent in English and Mandarin.